Sunday, July 26, 2009

Distant Thunder Virtual Book Tour has Begun

For those of you who've been watching my by-lines after each post, you've noticed my announcements about the coming Virtual Book Tour taking place in August and September.
Well, my Tour coordinator has graciously decided to begin a week early.

Here's the idea. For a book to reach anywhere near its potential in today's literary market it has to have an internet buzz. But how in the world does one create a buzz without blowing up a building our having a name like....Clancy?

Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Being immersed in cluelessness about such things, I found the best answer was a quick prayer. You know... HELP! Then I ran across a little add publicizing something called a Virtual Book Tour. Still struggling with cluelessness I clicked and inquired, and voila.....Virtual Tour begins.

What is it? Good question. A virtual book tour is a series of interviews and articles, hosted by numerous blog sites that explore and review new books that are hitting the market. Perfect! So, through August and September I will be answering interviews about Distant Thunder, Biblical Prophecy, and what it is like to be a first-time author. Cool, huh?

You can follow along and participate. I will be facebooking and tweeting about each day's Tour site. You can go to the site, read, and comment. If you've read Distant Thunder, your positive comments will send the book into a true "Buzz" mode as it nears and passes its release date. In fact, I would be greatly appreciative our your doing that very thing. You can go straight to my facebook profile page by going to:
Or you can receive the tweets at It is that simple.

Then one more step. Send the tour sites to your friends to check out. Tell them you've come across the latest "world's most exciting book" that they really have to check out. Then give them the tour site. This is how you can help create a buzz that just might bring someone into true spiritual life, and that is what Distant Thunder and its sequels is all about.
Here is the first tour stop.
Check it out. Comment. Comment on these blogs too. You can do it!
Jimmy Root Jr
On TOUR now!
PS. For those of you that are headed to the Assemblies of God General Council in Orlando, Distant Thunder will be on sale at the Gospel Publishing House Bookstore. It will be signed and ready to go.

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1 comment:

  1. Sarah Moore and I are looking forward to having you as a guest on Writers in the Sky Podcast August 14. We have a lot of listeners and authors report good results from this marketing effort.

    I also hope you do well with your book tour.

    Yvonne Perry


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